12oz Mouse

Adult Swim

This is a sample of the music, sound design and mix by Bluetube on Matt Maiellaro's Adult Swim show 12oz Mouse. It's hard to grasp the overall concept of this show with this short demo, but then again, you could watch every minute of every episode and your brain may still not be able to comprehend 100% of what's going on.

12oz audio.

I loved working on this show. This was a favorite of mine because Matt was always willing to attempt to go as far as we could with it sonically. We even created some 5.1 music for an episode.

Michael Kohler
Here is another sample showcasing a little more of the crazy, gun riddled side of this show.
This song, F-Off was created by Matt Maiellaro for his Adult Swim show 12oz Mouse. Michael Kohler added drums, bass and acoustic guitar. Versions of it were used in various episodes throughout the series.
This song was created by Matt Maiellaro and Michael Kohler for Matt's Adult Swim show 12oz Mouse. The track started with Matt's idea and guitar tracks, and Michael added the drums, bass and synth elements. In the show, this piece is actually mixed in 5.1.