12oz Mouse
Adult Swim
This is a sample of the music, sweetening and mix of Matt Maiellaro's Adult Swim show 12oz Mouse. It's hard to grasp the overall concept of this show with this short demo, but then again, you could watch every minute of every episode and your brain may still not be able to comprehend 100% of what's going on.
"I loved working on this show. This was a favorite of mine because Matt was always willing to go as far as we could sonically, and his content gave me an opportunity to create some really fun stuff. We even made some 5.1 music for an episode."
"Two of the tracks Matt and I made, F-Off and Push, were used in various episodes."
- Michael Kohler
See them below.

12oz Mouse F-Off
Adult Swim

12oz Mouse - Push
Adult Swim
"Here is another sample of why I lovesd working on this show.
There were no limits to how abstract the visuals were, and therefore no limits to what I could do with sound design, music and mix."
- Michael Kohler

12oz Psycho Demo
Adult Swim
After the first three seasons, Matt Maiellaro created the "12oz Mouse Special".
Below is a sample of Bluetube's sound design, music and mix.
"This special came back to answer all the questions we had after the first three seasons,
and left us with a whole new fresh set of questions. What more could you want?"
- Michael Kohler

12oz Mouse Special
Adult Swim